
If you face issues concerning child support or alimony in Georgia, Atlanta family law attorney Nishit Patel has the knowledge and skill to address the issues and help you navigate through the legal process. With more than 15 years of experience in family law matters, Nishit provides his clients compassionate service and highly effective counsel in support cases.

Experience and Approach

Nishit Patel established his own law firm to focus on providing personalized service to individuals facing family law issues, including child support and alimony. Nishit’s extensive experience with support cases provides him with insightful understanding and compassion for the emotional difficulties and stress that these issues present for clients.

Complicated laws and rules apply to child support and alimony in Georgia. Due to the importance of the client’s circumstances in resolving support issues, Nishit takes the time to understand the client’s situation in detail at the beginning of representation. He identifies every concern and need of the client before discussing options and strategies for proceeding. Throughout the whole process, he maintains close communication with the client to provide support and reassurance and answer questions as they arise.

Nishit’s substantial background enables him to help the client navigate seamlessly through matters relating to child support and alimony. He always makes certain that the client fully understands their legal rights before they make an informed decision on an issue. Whenever possible, Nishit resolves problems efficiently and effectively without needless conflict and stress. But if protecting his client’s interests requires going to court, he advocates fiercely and aggressively to safeguard the client’s interests.

Nishit is passionate about providing each client with the individualized attention and service they need and deserve. He draws on the full range of his experience to guide the client through every family law matter with meticulous care, providing sound advice and counsel throughout the entire process.

Child Support in Georgia

In the State of Georgia, both parents of a child have the legal obligation to provide financial support for minor children. Generally, a custodial parent can collect child support from a parent who should contribute. To determine the amount of child support, the State applies child support guidelines that take each parent’s income and financial obligations into account.

Georgia courts first apply a complicated mathematical formula to determine the amount of child support the non-custodial parent must pay the custodial parent. The judge can look at a wide range of resources in determining a parent’s income. Georgia law allows the court to increase or decrease the amount of child support, based on the individual circumstances of the parents and the best interests of the child.

A support order typically includes financial support for food, clothing, and shelter, as well as health insurance and basic education expenses. In some cases, the order may also provide for child care costs, medical expenses, visitation expenses, extracurricular activities, or other unique needs of the child.

Whether you are a custodial or non-custodial parent, it is advisable to have legal representation in a child support action to ensure that your legal rights are fully protected throughout the process. Nishit Patel has the experience and skill to represent you and advocate on your behalf, even if it means arguing your side of the case to the judge.

Alimony in Georgia

Georgia law authorizes the courts to award alimony (spousal support) during or at the conclusion of a divorce case. Unlike child support, there is no set mathematical formula for determining alimony. The court has wide discretion in deciding whether one party should pay alimony to the other party.

The person requesting alimony must show that the other person has the means to pay the alimony sought. The judge (or jury) may consider all relevant factors, including the duration of the marriage, standard of living during the marriage, physical and emotional situation of the parties, their respective financial resources and condition, ability and time necessary to find employment, and each person’s contribution to the marriage.

There are several types of alimony in Georgia. The type awarded depends on the circumstances of the case. The most common type is periodic alimony, in which one party makes periodic payments over a set time period. Lump sum alimony is another type that may be awarded. The judge can also order temporary alimony while a divorce case is pending, to ensure that both parties have funds to retain legal counsel during the proceeding. Finally, a court can award permanent alimony at the end of a case. Permanent alimony is usually for a specific duration, such as five years or 10 years, rather than for a lifetime.

If you think you may be entitled to alimony during or at the end of your divorce, or your spouse is requesting alimony in a case, legal representation is extremely important. Because the judge or jury has wide discretion in awarding alimony, it’s essential that your request or defense be thoroughly presented in court before the decision is made.

Contact NVP Family Law

To talk with Nishit Patel regarding a Georgia child support or alimony matter, please call (404) 333-8682 or use the online contact form. NVP Family Law provides legal services throughout the Atlanta region.