Fulton County Status Conferences

In Fulton County, Georgia, Status conferences in family law cases are often scheduled to review the status of the case, ensure compliance with court orders, and discuss any necessary adjustments or next steps in the legal proceedings. These conferences aim to keep cases on track and address any issues promptly. The specific procedures and requirements may vary per case and per judge. Most of the time, they last under twenty minutes, however, your wait time to start your status conference could be more.

Typically, a family law case will have three status conferences, 30-Day, 60-Day, and 120-Day. While these conferences are named after a set number of days, the conference generally do not occur in this time frame. In addition, a case can have more than one 30-Day and 60-Day conference, if it is determined that more time is needed.

The 30-Day and 60-Day conferences are generally run by a Judicial Officers. Judicial Officers serve during the absence or upon the request of the Family Division Judge and perform such duties as designated by the Family Division Judges. Simply, put, they can do everything that the Family Division Judges can do, however, they are not elected officials. Generally, the Judicial Officers conducts the 30-Day and 60-Day conference and your assigned Superior Court Judge will conduct the 120-Day status conference. It is recommend that you speak with your legal counsel for precise details for your case.

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